Wednesday, January 20, 2010

French/revs day

Up until only recently, I haven't felt all that anxious about this year.. that was until I realised what homework I had to do before I went back to school. Then I began to fully understand what revolutions is going to involve this year.
So, I discussed this with a friend of mine and we decided that it was crucial that we go over our notes together and work on our French - with occasional breaks involving French films and a lot of nutella. We made this fantastic plan and it took place today. I went over to her house and we had some lunch down the road and came back to our revolutions notes together where we tried to comprehend whether or not leaders are necessary for a successful revolution, whether revolutions are planned or not and whether they are inevitable. As I'm sure you can tell, the nutella was very much a necessary component in this situation! I then introduced my friend to a cute, French movie called "8 Femmes" (8 Women) and we sat with our nutella and watched some cute, French people singing and what not. It's an adorable movie and I definitely recommend! :)

I am slowly, slowly getting through my sunburn - my nose is pretty sore and it still looks like I'm wearing a white bangle and my skin is abnormally red.. but hopefully it should be all better soon :)

¤  Sar  x


  1. I will have to add 8 femmes to my list of films to see....Just watching the new Eva Green movie ...Cracks..have you seen it?...I am big Eva Green fan...or should I say Eva Gaelle Green...born in Paris France ...1980.
    Just read an interesting article about her in Tattler. I will lend you the magazine when I see you next.
    Have a good day Sarah....xxxSusan

  2. No, I haven't seen it - I'll have to look it up :)
    Thank you! Mum was reading Tattler today :) You have to watch 8 Femmes - it's adorable! x
